
Help us to build an interconnected and resilient community.

Help us ensure artistic adventure is year-round, brave, regional, inclusive, and connected.  

It’s a mark of our work; offering year-round opportunity and adventure to all who live, work, visit and gather regionally. Where there’s a gap, we create connections. Where we find potential, we make pathways. Year-round, our regional programs and productions make the difference by gathering people together with those who make differently. Through our work we ask: ‘how to be many?’ to reflect shifts in place, flows of people and changing concerns. We grow relationships, a sense of belonging, trust, networks, and professional practice. It is work needed now and your support for it is needed more than ever.  

Your support will ensure we continue our trajectory, offering bold regional programs that day in, day out, turn creative potential into new works, lived endeavour, equal access and adventure for communities, artists, creative teams and audiences.  

We seed new work across regions through Seedpod.

We thrill audiences with our Productions.

We connect regional artists to international pathways through Hi-Viz Satellites.

We take a long-term view of ‘doing the doing’ through BEYOND and Expanding Fields of Practice knowing what it takes to cultivate regional, inclusive, creative opportunity. 

Any donation you can make will directly support our mentoring, programs and the development of new work bringing much needed opportunity and real possibility. 

All donations over $2 are tax deductible and are received with heartfelt thanks. In working together, we ensure and share in regional futures. 

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