Our program energises us and others because we take a long-term view of ‘doing the doing’, knowing what it takes to cultivate regional, inclusive, creative opportunity.

Opportunities to get involved with Punctum take many forms. From developing a work through our residencies, to expanding practice and networks through our propagation and alumni programs, to stepping in as an audience member or participant, to volunteering, partnering or becoming a patron.

Find out more about opportunities with Punctum below and together, we will enliven the future.

Expanding fields of practice is designed to support regionally based early career sound artists and experimental musicians through a program of mentorships, performance, and networking opportunities.


Are you an early career musician, composer, or creator based in regional Victoria and interested in exploring improvisation, experimentation and collaboration? We invite you submit an expression of interest by midnight on Sunday March 3 to participate in the Expanding Fields of Practice program.

Combining Punctum’s Seedpod residencies and the AAO’s mentorship program, Expanding Fields of Practice provides a safe space for creative experimentation and builds confidence in artists to challenge definitions of contemporary practice and regionality.

Led by a team of Punctum and AAO associated experimental musicians, composers and performers working across central Victoria and metro Melbourne, the program expands creative and professional pathways for artists in regional contexts.

Expanding Fields of Practice is a free program with 10 places available.

EOIs close midnight Sunday March 3.  

With the generous venue support of Bendigo Venues and Events and funding through the Victorian Government through Creative Victoria.

Punctum supports artists who need spaces for adventurous arts research and development, to hold workshops, rehearsals, and experiments in performances of all types, or access to our knowledge, experience and networks to help develop their practice, be it from our Artistic Director; Jude Anderson, General Manager; Helen Sheldon, or one of our enthusiastic Board members.

Our Propagation Program responds to different needs of artists and has three tiers – Lacrimale, Nervosum and Caecum (all types of Punctums).

Each tier offers different benefits.

$40 – Lacrimale

  • Reduced rental rates for hiring Punctum spaces at Alumni Rates (see Venues below for rates)
  • A cup of coffee to access the brain of Jude or Helen to assist with artistic, dramaturgical, management, producing or industry questions.

$60 – Nervosum

  • One day free hire of Punctum spaces. Thereafter reduced rental rates for hiring spaces.

  • Reduced rental rates for hiring Punctum spaces at Alumni Rates (see Venue Rates here)

  • A couple of cups of coffee to access the brain of Jude or Helen to assist with artistic, dramaturgical, management, producing or industry questions.

$100 – Caecum

  • Two days’ free hire of Punctum spaces. Thereafter reduced rental rates for hiring spaces.

  • Reduced rental rates for hiring Punctum spaces at Alumni Rates

  • Free auspicing of grants [normally 5% of grant funds].

  • Profiling of artist/project on Punctum’s social media & blog access for random thoughts about residency process.

  • More than two but less than five cups of coffee to access the brain of Jude or Helen or a Board Member Jude or Helen to assist with artistic, dramaturgical, management, producing, industry, governance or strategic questions.

Are you an expert in birds? A local farmer? Are you one of only three people in Australia who can play the Hornucopian dronepipe? Are you part of a community group with a specific interest? Do you have knowledge or insights that you would be willing to share with artists?

Punctum creates and champions live arts productions that are participatory, unexpected, compelling, and regionally grown.

By ‘live arts’, we mean innovative or experimental performances or events that disrupt traditional ways of working together or interacting with audiences.

Our annual program brings artists, audiences and communities together through shared cultural adventures. We work closely with professionals and knowledge holders across a wide range of disciplines and cultures to develop the practice and profile of regional live arts through our collaboration and partnerships.

Each work we create is an invitation into the unexpected. Our work is defined by our unique ways of making performances, our engagement with audiences and communities in singular settings, and by the lines we blur between artist and audience, audience and creator.

Ranging in scale from the intimate to the monumental, our productions can be experienced sensorially, emotionally, intellectually, individually, or collectively. We develop safe settings for artists to take creative risks and push the boundaries of their art and practice. We introduce them to diverse regional communities and audiences and open the way for them to excel in local and global arenas.

White Space