The Coriolis Effect

In 2012 Punctum and Country Arts SA leapt into the current of The Coriolis Effect –  a long-term period of experimentation and regionally based exploration of civic engagement and live arts practice.

A bike ride between a series of live art works; a freewheeling encounter with the spirit of a town and the people who propel it.

A collaboration with artists Jude Anderson, Franca Barraclough, Jess Foster, Ben Fox, Paul Gazzola, Krista Horbatiuk, Katerina Kokkinos Kennedy, Tamara Marwood, Steve Mayhew and Susie Skinner, whose work is located in regional settings, the program placed the live artist’s role at the centre of regionally based civic engagement and action, and explored the opportunities that technologies offer in connecting these artists across the country.

The development of The Coriolis Effect referenced the role played by cross currents of arts led dialogue and enquiry, and patterns of regionally based contemporary arts practice, in the shifting concerns of place.

Through investigations that lead to the creation of 8 new works, The Coriolis Effect developed an innovative model of practice that invited civic engagement through regionally based live arts collaborations.  Whilst testing art form conventions it also invested in models of sustainable cultural activity.

In October 2012 The Coriolis Effect was presented as body of work at Kumuwuki/Big Wave, Regional Arts Australia Conference in Goolwa.

Concept/Artistic Director: Jude Anderson
Creative Producer: Steve Mayhew
Artistic Associate: Krista Horbatiuk
Artistic Associate: Jessica Foster
Production Manager: Joe Pickett

Artists: Jude Anderson, Franca Barraclough, Jess Foster, Ben Fox, Paul Gazzola, Krista Horbatiuk, Katerina Kokkinos Kennedy, Tamara Marwood, Steve Mayhew, Susie Skinner

Explore other Punctum works.