Hi-Viz Practice Exchange is a powerful tool for building communities of practice around cross-artform work. From its inception in 2018 the program has grown and expanded over the years to connect artists across time and place in meaningful dialogue and exchange.

Hi-Viz Practice Exchange was initiated in response to a gap in the sector. Chamber Made Artistic Director Tamara Saulwick had identified how rare it was for artists working at the intersections of music, sound, theatre and performance to have the opportunity to meet and share practice. And so, the concept of Hi-Viz was born.

In 2022, Punctum embarked on a new three-year partnership with Chamber Made (Melbourne) and SAtheCollective (Singapore) to deliver Hi-Viz Satellites, connecting artists from metro Melbourne, regional Victoria and South East Asia.

Across a three-year arc, Hi-Viz Satellites connects artists across cultures, geographies and artforms, cultivates conditions of exchange, collaboration and relationships that grow and extend practice. Placing a particular focus on women, non-binary and gender-diverse artists at the intersections of performance, sound and music. 

Hi-Viz Satellites began with Modes of Making a 2-day hybrid program with in-person events in Bendigo and Singapore and an online component, taking place on Friday 18 November and Saturday 19 November 2022.

Over a three-year trajectory Hi-Viz Satellites will expand to include other modes of collaboration and making. Hi-Viz Satellites will include in-person gatherings, online labs and intensives in Australia and Singapore between 2022 and 2024.