Seedpod is Punctum’s regional live arts residency program.

We created Seedpod because we understand the need for a safe place to test ideas, undertake experiments, develop new work, and take risks in a collegiate environment.

We also like the fact that these experiments happen outside of city based confines and institutions, challenging notions of the contemporary and regionality.

Seedpod provides artists, producers with access to regionally based arts professionals, resources, presentation spaces, and opportunities for the investigation, development, and presentation of live arts.

They provide our local audiences with access to amazing ideas, thought and works in progress and the potential for more.

Through Seedpods we share knowledge, networks and assist in the resourcing, research, development and profiling of live arts experiments.

We seek to provide creators with the right conditions to delve into their research and production within a regional context of open critique and honest dialogue with colleagues, technicians, audiences, critics and producers.

We open our doors to works and creators seeking a testing phase in order to kindle dialogue with ‘expert audiences’ and create the stimulus needed for deepening practice, innovation and ‘next steps’.

Seedpod is one of Punctum’s ways of sharing the future.

artists and partners.

Artists and partners involved in this program.