Kultur-All Makaan

Devised between 2018 and 2021 in collaboration with South Sudanese, Karen, Hazara, Indian, Colombian, and Indonesian artists and communities of Central Victoria.

The Kultur-All Makaan was presented as part of 2020 Melbourne Design Week and the 2021 Castlemaine State Festival.

Original contributing artists, makers and arts workers

Hussnia Hussain Ali, Jude Anderson, Adrian Corbett, Hei Day, Dabora Dout, Aviva Endean, Zahra Gawhari, Paw Hla, Paw Kee, Forest Keegel, Abuol Maboir, Abuk Malual, Jalal Manog, Justin Marshall, Steve Mayhew, Paw Kyi Pai, Fatima Qurbani, Masooma Qurbani, Awach Ring, Rodrigo Ramos, Morwenna Schenck, Zakia Sultani, Bu Gay Pah Thei, Eh Kaw Thaw, Moo Thaw, Linto Thomas, Thon Thon, Sara Shreya Tumu, Hyra Usman, Adrianna Fatemeh Yousefi and the Karen drummers.

This event takes place on the unceded lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung. We acknowledge their living culture and their elders, past, present, and emergent.

Explore other Punctum works.